183 research outputs found

    Mats: MultiCore Adaptive Trace Selection

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    Dynamically optimizing programs is worthwhile only if the overhead created by the dynamic optimizer is less than the benefit gained from the optimization. Program trace selection is one of the most important, yet time consuming, components of many dynamic optimizers. The dynamic application of monitoring and profiling can often result in an execution slowdown rather than speedup. Achieving significant performance gain from dynamic optimization has proven to be quite challenging. However, current technological advances, namely multicore architectures, enable us to design new approaches to meet this challenge. Selecting traces in current dynamic optimizers is typically achieved through the use of instrumentation to collect control flow information from a running application. Using instrumentation for runtime analysis requires the trace selection algorithms to be light weight, and this limits how sophisticated these algorithms can be. This is problematic because the quality of the traces can determine the potential benefits that can be gained from optimizing the traces. In many cases, even when using a lightweight approach, the overhead incurred is more than the benefit of the optimizations. In this paper we exploit the multicore architecture to design an aggressive trace selection approach that produces better traces and does not perturb the running application. 1

    Referencing and retention in block-structured coroutines

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    technical reportThe combination of coroutines with recursive procedures is characteristic of many modern higher-level languages offering advanced control structures (e.g. SIMULA-67, SL5, Interlisp, etc.). We say a language has block-structured coroutines (BSCRs) when static nesting considerations govern the usage of this control combination. Starting with the BSCR control description work of Wang and Dahl, this paper pursues further the implications of static program structure on BSCR programs in a compilation-oriented setting. Disciplines on BSCR reference assignment and individual control actions are defined, offering enhanced implementability and program comprehensibility. Of particular interest is a scope-based discipline on "detach" operations, which avoids the formation of idle chain subheads, an implementationally undesirable condition. The retention requirements of BSCRs are analyzed under a range of possible remote accessibility conditions, and two deletion strategies are then defined, keyed to these requirements. The first uses a special form of scope-sensitive reference counting, and the second does mark-sweep garbage collection, again exploiting static program structure. Space and time estimates for both methods are given, along with avenues for continuing research

    Testing in resource constrained execution environments

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    Software for resource constrained embedded devices is often implemented in the Java programming language because the Java compiler and virtual machine provide enhanced safety, portability, and the potential for run-time optimization. It is important to verify that a software application executes correctly in the environment in which it will normally execute, even if this environment is an embedded one that severely constrains memory resources. Testing can be used to isolate defects within and establish a confidence in the correctness of a Java application that executes in a resource constrained environment. However, executing test suites with a Java virtual machine (JVM) that uses dynamic compilation to create native code bodies can introduce significant testing time overheads if memory resources are highly constrained. This paper describes an approach that uses adaptive code unloading to ensure that it is feasible to perform testing in the actual memory constrained execution environment. The experiments demonstrate that code unloading can reduce both the test suite execution time by 34 % and the code size of the test suite and application under test by 78 % while maintaining the overall size of the JVM. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: Testing and Debugging-Testing tools; D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processors-code generation

    Black-box Generation of Adversarial Text Sequences to Evade Deep Learning Classifiers

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    Although various techniques have been proposed to generate adversarial samples for white-box attacks on text, little attention has been paid to black-box attacks, which are more realistic scenarios. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm, DeepWordBug, to effectively generate small text perturbations in a black-box setting that forces a deep-learning classifier to misclassify a text input. We employ novel scoring strategies to identify the critical tokens that, if modified, cause the classifier to make an incorrect prediction. Simple character-level transformations are applied to the highest-ranked tokens in order to minimize the edit distance of the perturbation, yet change the original classification. We evaluated DeepWordBug on eight real-world text datasets, including text classification, sentiment analysis, and spam detection. We compare the result of DeepWordBug with two baselines: Random (Black-box) and Gradient (White-box). Our experimental results indicate that DeepWordBug reduces the prediction accuracy of current state-of-the-art deep-learning models, including a decrease of 68\% on average for a Word-LSTM model and 48\% on average for a Char-CNN model.Comment: This is an extended version of the 6page Workshop version appearing in 1st Deep Learning and Security Workshop colocated with IEEE S&
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